Friday, February 28, 2014

We've been a little couped up...

This winter has been pretty miserable in St. Louis to say the least.
We have had EXTREME cold temperatures and wayyyy too much snow.
It makes us all a little stir crazy and pretty crabbo too.

This picture was taken on my way to work one morning this month...
It's no freaking joke.

I saw this picture online a few weeks ago and thought it was pretty cute...
Even the Cardinal-birds gotta try to stay warm this winter.

We've tried to make the most of all of our "indoor time". 
Here are some pictures of our shenanigans from the last couple months.
You'll notice not a single one of them was taken outside...
we couldn't even really go out and play in the snow because it's been so darn cold.
And MOST of them were taken from INSIDE our own house, 
I'm telling you, we are stir crazy!

Luckily, our oven still works, so we've had plenty of time for baking...
(I will be no where near ready for swimsuit season whenever that actually comes along)

On one of our many snow days we decided to teach the kids how to play the wii,
it was a BIG hit!

We had plenty of time for taking down Christmas decorations too... 
(notice how Maeryn is still wearing the same pajamas as the day before... yep, that happened)

There was lots of lounging time... 

And fort building. 

Best of all we just had tons of awesome togetherness time with these two mini's.
I had so many snow days off from school it almost felt like I worked part time this winter.
And let me tell ya, it didn't suck.

I mean, come on... look at this face! 

And then there's this crazy girl!
I am one lucky mom... 

 We spent so much time inside over the last couple months 
and as I mentioned we've gone a little stir crazy...
Sooo, we've had to get a little creative with our time inside.
We tried out some new hairstyles.

(actually, this is what Maeryn looks like every single morning!)

And Maeryn got lots of practice on her massaging skills. 

Since the weather is terrible outside,
Kevin and I are (so far) fully supportive of any and all kinds of sports in the house.
We have a mini soccer field in the basement that we have been having 
some epic boys against girls battles on... Girls always win, of course. ;-)

Here's Johnny Mac taking a snack break during one of our games. 

And we have a basketball hoop in the family room that gets daily action as well.
Sometimes we're a little confused as to what should actually go in the basket... 

But our main man is starting to figure it out!

Our favorite Disney movie right now (and maybe EVER) is the new Frozen movie.
We all LOVED it (even Johnny is a big fan of NahNah - aka: Anna),
and Maeryn especially loved the music from the movie.
I downloaded a bunch of the songs and she asks to hear them in the car, 
around the house, when we're in the basement, etc, etc, etc. 
and she will often sing us her own renditions of her favorite songs from the movie as well...
Exhibit A: 

 Hopefully their brains aren't complete mush after all the TV and ipad time 
they've had over the last few months!
We will definitely have some bad habits to break in the near future...

Some other habits to break... ginormous messes in every room of the house!

...and climbing on the furniture!

Johnny has a new favorite show/toy/book... MICKEY MOUSE! Aka: "Mimmey"

Random Johnny/Mommy selfie... 

  Maeryn and I had fun putting together her Valentine's box for school.
She is such a sweet girl, she really loves her friends, teachers and family!

And then there's this kid...
That face makes me melt every time!

One of his new favorite words is "Cheese"...
As soon as he sees me getting ready to take a picture, all you hear is CHEEEEEEEEESE! 

Well, thank goodness we have almost gotten through the month of February... 
March and April will surely bring some warmer weather so hopefully we will get 
to be outside again soon and get some fresh air and lots of sunshine before we know it! 
We've managed to have some fun this winter, but we can't wait to go outside and play.