Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy 4th!

Wednesday, July 4th 2012
We spent the afternoon poolside with the Clantons.

And then BBQ at Grandma and Papa's house.

Maeryn's newest favorite food... corn on the cobb!
Seriously, she LOVES it! 
A little after dinner bubble time,
and frisbee toss with Bailey.

 Nice smile Maeryn...

Grandma's Traditional 4th Cake! 
 And Pop-Its! 

Happy 4th of July Everyone,
God Bless America!


Sunday morning breakfast at First Watch with the Kenneys.
Mal II - AKA: Potts!

One of our favorite new breakfast traditions: TABLE-CAKES!
We started eating breakfast this way last summer
in San Diego after we all ended up finishing off Maeryn's
plate of pancakes and it was and still is BRILLIANT.
No family breakfast is complete without table-cakes! 

 And later that day, dinner at Potts and Rosemary's house.
What?! Watermelon mustaches are the coolest! 
Four Generations! 
The Malachis (II, III & IV). 
We miss you all so much already, can't wait to see you again!

Happy Birthday Week!

Holy cow, my baby is THREE!!!!
Birthday morning, opening her gifts (clothing optional...).
After getting ourselves cleaned up,
Maeryn and I made our first ever trip to little girl heaven...
The American Girl Store!
The plan was to shop a little and have lunch in the "A.G. Bistro",
but due to my poor planning, I wasn't aware there would be a
THREE HOUR WAIT to eat lunch there.
Despite our initial disapointment, we fully enjoyed the
shopping atmosphere, and took it all in.

Ummm, yes... 
There is a DOLL BEAUTY SALON there.
Me and my girl.  :-)
The Birthday Princess  
Later that afternoon, playing with some new B-Day toys.

Birthday Cupcakes All Around! 

Another of her awesome birthday presents from Nana and Bob
- The Clubhouse!
Maeryn skyped with Nana and Bob (in Phoenix)
earlier that day and they got to watch her 
when she saw it for the first time.
They weren't able to make the trip for Maer's B-Day this year,
so we missed them a ton, but Nana will be here
very soon to meet Baby Boy Meyer!

That night she and Papa helped break it in!
Maeryn loved pretending that she was working in a snack bar.
She had everything from popcorn to snow cones.
No matter what you asked for she would say, "yes, we have that.",
but her prices were outrageous... 
EVERYTHING was "Twenty Bucks"! 
Grandma and Papa's present - A Sandbox!

It was a GREAT day, and Maeryn is one happy little three year old!
This was just the beginning of our whole week of fun.
The next day Maeryn got a package in the mail from Uncle Drew,
It was a Cabbage Patch Kid (BOY)!
And the day after that, Uncle Drew, Uncle Mal and Angela arrived!
We went for a swim to welcome them to the nasty St. Louis heat. 
Then, MORE presents! 
She really was a birthday princess. 
Thank you for all my birthday presents Mal and Angela! 
Loungin' with Drewpy and talking on her new PINK i-Phone. 
Friday night we had a family dinner at Lester's.
(Notice how Drew can't help but to pose
whenever there are pictures being taken!)
Maeryn, Uncle Mal and Potts
Pops and Lauri arrived just in time to eat with us too.
On Saturday, everyone ventured to downtown St. Louis
to walk around and see the Cardinals Stadium and the Arch.

Later that day back at our house for the PARTAY! 
Pops and Lauri enjoying the calm before the storm.  :-)
Mal and Angela
Grandma and Uncle Jim 
Our awesome neighbors!
They were troopers, it was about a million degrees outside... 
Josie enjoying the clubhouse.
Keeping cool in the wading pool. 
My best attempt at getting all five little girls to hold still
and smile for a picture.  Yes, this one was the BEST...

The Kids Table - Maeryn, Josie and Olivia. 
Isa and Josie Oliver.
Mal IV, Lauri, Mal III, Drew and Kevin - Looking good guys! 
Maeryn with Auntie Mary and Uncle Brian. 
Uncle Drew and the Maer-Bear. 
Time for Cake!

"Happy Birthday to Maeryn..." 
...and last but not least, PRESENTS! 

Thank You for Celebrating with us!
It was an awesome party and such a fun, fun week
with family and friends.  Maeryn is such a lucky girl
to have so many wonderful people in her life that love her
to pieces.  We are so grateful for each and every one of you!