Saturday, June 11, 2011

State Cup

Today was our first day of State Cup games,
this is what our soccer teams train all year for
and it's always a huge event in our house.

...Apparently no one told Maeryn this was such a big day for us,
she did NOT want to cooperate when it was time to leave the house!  

 She was in a much better mood after the game.
Check out her dance moves!

Summer, Week 2

Kevin and I were in the kitchen, when in came Maeryn,
with Kevin's hat and flip flops on!
 Hanging out with daddy during mom's soccer practice.

 One of my favorite parts of the day...
 We had a window of about 10 seconds to get this picture taken
before that ice cream cone was EVERYWHERE... we were successful!
 Maeryn's "Water Pool"!

 She loves her new picnic table too, thanks Nana!
 Hanging out after Grandma's birthday dinner.

Another one of my favorite moments of the day...
we can actually slow down and enjoy the mornings now -
thank you summer time!

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime...

Week 1 of summer:
Memorial Day Weekend,
Neighborhood Block-Party,
Fun at the Pool with Duka Boys...

Here's Maer with next door neighbor Meaghan, her daughter Olivia
and Piper from 3 doors down during our neighborhood block party.

Maeryn and the cutie Duka Boys - Brody, Cade and Trey!