Monday, November 21, 2011

Walking in Memphis.

Maeryn has become a pro at travelling with her crazy parents and our soccer teams...
Last weekend we were in Memphis with my Portugal girls and as you can tell,
Maer-bear fits right in with these 14/15 YEAR OLDS... lord help us!

I am so very grateful that the families on my teams take such good care of Maeryn
while I am coaching.  She has several sibling buddies on the sidelines and all of the moms and dads keep a close eye on her so that I don't have to worry and can concentrate on the team...
Here she is with one of the brothers playing with her farm animal puzzle.
BTW - Maeryn must think farm animals are common pets because
she thinks she's getting a horse and a goat for christmas! 
No idea how we're getting out of that one... she told me she's asking santa for them. 

After the finals, Maeryn sat with the girls as they received their medals.

She got one too!

Thank goodness Maeryn is ok with these trips, I just love coaching these girls!

...and they like Maer-bear too!

The LONG drive home...

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