Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve with the Neighbors

Last night was our first ever Progressive Dinner Party with our awesome neighbors...
We started the evening at our house with appetizers and italian margaritas,
next we went to the Evans' and had some yummy baked ziti, salad and bread,
the last stop was the Kretzler house for italian desserts and coffee.
We hope to do this again soon with a few more families next time,
 The food was great and it was so much fun travelling around to eachother's houses!

Addison, Olivia and Maeryn playing great together!
 Cute Girls!
 19 month old Olivia, playing in 1 month old Clarke's pumpkin seat.
 The kid table at the Evans', enjoying their 2nd course of the night!

Have I mentioned we LOVE our neighbors?
Next big event... cookie party with Santa! 
Stay tuned for updates...

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