Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Meyer Easter '14

This was one of the nicest Easter's (weather-wise) that I can remember since I've been in St. Louis.
We started the morning with some awesome surprises from the Easter Bunny!

Johnny was stoked about his new Bocketball. 

And Maer-bear wanted to break out her new kite IMMEDIATELY.
(it took some major convincing that church should come first...) 

Then we discovered some eggs around the house and the hunt was on! 

This poor kid with his silly glasses and fedora hat... good thing he puts up with us! 

After my many failed attempts, this was the best picture I could get of the two of them that day.
Forget about a family shot - it's close to impossible to get this kid still for even 10 seconds,
so I'm afraid that won't be happening any time soon. 

However, there is one thing he does like... the TAMPOLEE! 

I'm not sure who likes it best actually... 

Between that and the bubbles, these kiddos were sufficiently entertained! 

I think the rest of the "kiddos" enjoyed themselves too.

Happy Easter 2014!

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