Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Day has a whole new meaning...

Our two little Valentines have brought a whole new meaning to this day.
For us, it used to be about spending too much money on flowers,
dinner and maybe a cute little gift for eachother...
And now, like just about every other holday in our house, it's so much more about
Getting dressed up in cute little pink and red outfits, picking out cards
and candy to share with friends, watching Valentine's Day specials on TV
and best of all, the class parties at school!

My school had parent-teacher conferences that night, so Kevin stepped up
and attended Maer's Valentine's Party with her! 
I felt bad for not being able to be there, but I know she was was pumped to have Daddy there instead.
(also why there are no pictures of the event, he promised to go, not to take pictures...)
It was a really long day for me, but I received this picture around lunch time from our sitter, Debbie.
Totally made my day better!

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