Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Day 2013

There was pretty big news about this storm coming in so most companies and
school districts decided to remain closed for the day (last Thursday).
The snow started coming down around 10am.
So we found lots of things to do to occupy the time and keep ourselves busy!
Maeryn and John spent some time lounging in their comfy chairs... 
Taking breaks every now and then to watch the snow fall. 
Johnny got his workout in! 

Then we made some english muffin pizzas for lunch - YUM!
This was taken late afternoonish. 
Kevin and John, working from home... 
and me and the bear, finishing up the taxes. 
(ps. I swear we do brush this child's hair!  It is perpetually sloppy, but we do try...)
Then played some board games! 
More games!
and yes, by the end of the day there were toys covering every inch of the house! 
Time to shovel the snow!
This was the snow that piled up against our garage door,
it was about 8 inches by 4pm. 
Maeryn went out to "play" while Kevin shoveled.
She wasn't loving it at first! 

Little man and I just watched from inside...
Maeryn quickly go over being cold and wet and had much happier times in the snow!
Kevin made her an awesome little hill in our front yard. 
And yes, those are plastic grocery bags tied around her shoes...
the poor kid doesn't have snow boots so we had to make do!
sorry so blurry... 

She had a blast! 
Meanwhile, JMac tried some puffs for the first time.
That look on his face was about how well it went too!
...we'll keep trying. 
We finished off the day with Maeryn's favorite, banana oatmeal pancakes!
She was one happy girl. :-) 

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