Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ahhhhhhh... sunshine.

The kids and I travelled to Scottsdale for a few days over spring break.
I can't begin to explain how nice the weather felt compared to the
LOOOOONG winter we've had in the midwest.
We had the best time relaxing and hanging with family.

Our first day there happened to be my birthday, which was the first time I had been
back in Arizona for my birthday since moving to St. Louis 15 years ago!
It was a great day.
It started out with Nana and the kids reading books.
Then we met up with Pops for lunch at "The Garage".
Pops underestimated how much our lil' johnny-boy loves to eat
and he ended up with a lap full of baby food by the time they had finished! 
Our shy, timid little blondie.  Ha! 

After lunch we went and had our nails done with Nana
(can you believe I forgot to take pictures?!?!)
and then we came home to a "surprise" from Kevin!
They were A-maz-ing. 
Then Maeryn and I took the polar bear plunge!
aka: swimming in a non-heated pool in March...
We had fun though, and Maer is getting better and better in the pool.
One of my best birthdays yet...
There's nothing that can really compare to my mom's homemade meatloaf and carrot cake!
Sooooooo good!

Maeryn's goal this whole trip was to get poor 'ol Jack the cat to like her...
This was the closest they got during our 5 days.  :-(
Oh well, maybe next time (yeah right). 
Saturday was Spring Training Game Day!
We ventured in to Old Town to "watch" the Giants play the...
wait, I have no idea who they played. LOL!
I think we saw maybe 2 pitches and then found a nice shady spot behind the outfield lawn.
It was perfect for us, we stayed cool and out of the sun,
Johnny discovered grass! 
And Maeryn and the guys played catch with her FOUL BALL!
(the ball was hit in to the parking lot as we were entering the game,
and a nice man gave it to us, SCORE!)
Plus there was plenty of room for photo opps!
(Pops was still perfecting his feeding techniques... ;-)) 

Good times all around! 
Sunday - St. Patty's Day 2013 
The kids and I went to the Talking Stick Resort where Mal and Angela
were staying and enjoyed some more pool time. 
It was heated this time and we did not have to defrost afterwards!

Maeryn was caught busting a move when one of her favorite songs came on.
Yes, we are in trouble.

Afterwards we met up with Pops and had lunch at the Sugar Bowl!!!
The sugar bowl is a Scottsdale original, famous for awesome ice cream sundaes.
Maer was PUMPED when she saw that our table was in the middle of an arcade room.
Uncle Mal did the uncle thing and played games with Maer while we waited for our food.
Picking out prizes with their winning tickets. 

Glamour Girl!
We wore him out...
He must have been having a great dream, look at that smile!
Later that day, Johnny and Maeryn hung out together in their favorite spot in Bob and Nana's room.
I think Maeryn was just secretly hoping to catch an unsuspecting Jack! 
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
On our last day, we ventured out with Nana and met up with an old friend
and her kids at the park and then did some outlet shopping!
As we entered the park I saw a Mommy Running Club
and was completely inspired to start one in St. Louis! 
I'm still brainstorming how to make it work, but mark my words, some day it will happen...

Park Pics!

Later, at the outlet mall, Maeryn pretended to be the new Disney Princess Merida,
riding a horse (bull), while shooting her bow and arrow... 
After our shopping trip, we picked up Bob and headed to one of my favorite
restaurants for some delish authentic mexican food and margaritas!
The perfect end to another trip that ended much too quickly...
We hope to be back VERY soon.
Maybe for our television debut on the Bachelorette hometown date! :-)

PS - my babies were angels on the flight home...
This one slept almost the whole way back!  Woohoooo! 

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