Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Fun 2012

We have been having so much fun this summer,
that I haven't even had time to update our blog...
So sorry for the delay, but better late than never!

This is going to be kind of a hodge-podge mixture
of stuff, but it seemed easier doing it this way
than with a bunch of seperate posts.

Here are some of our awesome adventures

from the summer of 2012!

Early this summer, we bought a new car.
With baby boy Meyer on his way we needed to trade in 
the truck for more room, so we bought a Tahoe
and I think Maer-bear likes it...
As soon as she saw the overhead DVD player,
Maeryn's exact words were:
"Oh my goodness, my brother is gonna love this!"

We had a lot of laid back days...
Here's Maer just hanging at home,
having fun with Play Doh.
and later that day, catching flies...

Kevin and I at the Dave Matthews Concert.

One of our trips to the Library,
Maer LOVES books!

Swim lessons at Alligator Creek.
Maeryn has gotten really good at swimming,
she's not completely independent yet,
but I'm thinking by next summer for sure!

Another random summer day...
Maeryn with all her "buddies" watching Disney.
These animals have been VERY precious to Maeryn this summer.
She picks one to sleep with at every nap and at nighttime,
and they are often at the center of her daily playtime activity.

Also at the center of Maeryn's daily activities...
Leap Pad/iPad!
(how did we survive as kids without
all this crazy technology?!?!)

Maeryn with her best guys, Trey and Brody.
Those Peroutka boys have really prepared our girl
for life with brothers!  We sure do love them.

Everyone asks if Maeryn is ready to be a big sister...
the truth is YES! 
She loves babies and especially baby boys.
She is definitely used to being the princess at home,
so that will be an adjustment, but I can't wait to
see how great she will be with her baby brother! 

Playtime: Dress-up! 

This was the hottest summer on record in St. Louis
so we had to be very creative about finding "cool"
things to do.  We scored bigtime at the Mills Mall... 
Train ride through the mall, indoor playground, carousel ride,
lots of great outlet stores and a food court - woohoo!

Another fun outing we took this summer was to Grant's Farm.
Maeryn had been BEGGING to go see some horses,  
so what better place than the Clydesdales at Grant's Farm?
Seriously this kid LOVES animals, she tells me daily
that she wants her own horse, cow and sheep
and that they can live in her closet... right.

Our friends, the Evans, joined us for the day.
Kevin helped Maeryn and Olivia feed the ducks. 
Having a very detailed conversation, I'm sure! 
There really are some awesome animals at the farm!

Nothing like some afternoon Orange Leaf with my favorite girl!

Maggie O'Donnell's Birthday Party at Wapelhorst Pool!
Maeryn doesn't look so thrilled to be in line for that slide...
But trust me, 
She LOVED it! 

Great party!
And Maeryn FINALLY got a "squiter" - yippee. 

Gymnastics Classes at the Little Gym.
Gymnastics was by far Maeryn's favorite sport
during the Olympics - those girls were unbelievable!

Our new technique for keeping Maeryn out of our bed at night...
Her own sleeping bag!
She was so excited about her princess sleeping bag that
she didn't even bat an eye when we told her if she wanted
to come in Mommy and Daddy's room at night she would
have to sleep on the floor.  Now she wants to take naps there too...  

First trip to the Dentist! 
She did awesome.
Again, with a little help from modern technology...
how did our parents get through our first dentist appointments without cartoons playing on a TV attached to the chair?!?!

Nothing like a fresh new haircut! 

More playtime fun. :-) 

We finally had a few great weather days so like just about
everyone else in St. Louis, we decided to go to the zoo
on this particularly nice day!

Summer Nights at the Countryshire Pool are the best!
One of our absolute favorite places to be on a Saturday night.
Last weekend we met up with the Clantons, O'Donnells,
Lords and Evans for some late summer fun at the pool. 

Later that night back at the Clantons'. 
Cute Boys!! 
Just another AWESOME summer night! 

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our newest family member but in the meantime we have been having so much fun and really trying to enjoy every moment together. 
Feeling very lucky and blessed right now,
I can't wait to see what life will bring us in the next chapter!

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