Monday, December 12, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

We are having so much fun this year, enjoying everything that this season brings...
We took a drive through Tilles Park the other night to see all the Christmas lights.

Taking "quality" pictures while driving, in the dark, with my sub-par camera,
is MUCH easier said than done.  Here are my best efforts...

Can't believe Maeryn let us get away with not going
on a carriage ride through the park... Next year for sure!

 Sunday was photo with Santa Day!
We pumped her up for this event all weekend, reminding her to tell Santa about all
the toys she'd been asking for and to find out what kind of cookies he likes, etc.
On the day of, she was still all smiles as Kevin and she killed time
(while I waited in line) checking out the huge fish tank and the train set 
and riding on the carousel at Bass Pro.
(again, sorry for the poor picture quality, have I mentioned I hate my camera?)

The nice ladies I was in line with let me jump out to get this (crappy... but cute) pic.
 Bass Pro has really cornered the market on the Photo with Santa thing.
They have games and rides, a coloring/letter to Santa writing area,
a really cute workshop, and the best Santa around!

The excitement started to wear off and the closer we got to the guy in red,
and finally... as soon as she was face to face, Maer freaked.
(although, I must say, Santa looks a little scared too)
If only we had more time.
 She was just starting to warm up to him...
(and him to her)
 and BAM.  Turn around and smile kid.
...yea right.
There's always next year...

Wait, didn't I say that last year???

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