Sunday, January 24, 2010

Back by popular demand...

Everyone seems to love Maeryn's videos so here are a couple more good ones!

Checking her blog!

Showing off her crawling skills!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is she really 6 months already?!

I can't believe she's 6 months old already...

She can pull up to a sitting position from lying down, she rolls both ways all the time (usually when getting her diaper changed), she eats food from a spoon and is starting to feed herself crackers and "puffs", she is trying her hardest to crawl but we think she'll be walking first (she is now doing this mountain climber thing on her hands and feet!), she loves to sit and play with her toys while squeeling and babbling - her favorite saying is "ahyee", she has one baby tooth starting to poke through in her bottom gums, and her perfect little smile melts my heart every day!

Maeryn was trying to learn how to use a sippy cup but her attention span only lasts about 10 seconds...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We love snow days!

Maeryn got to see her first snow today...

Can you tell by the look on her face that it was freeezing?!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Maeryn's First Christmas!

Lucky Maeryn got to have 3 Christmases this year!
First with her mom and dad...

Here she is with her dad and Uncle Jim at our Meyer family celebration...

and Grandma Meyer,
and Paw Paw!

Then she got to go to Arizona!!
December 25, 2009

Maeryn had fun opening her stocking (she tried to eat the wrapping paper)!

...and then she took a nap.

Before long she was awake again and had a great time with her Nana Linda,

And Papi Mal.

Merry 1st Christmas Maeryn!